Taza es un evento semanal bilingüe, donde los empresarios locales se reúnen para escuchar a los demás en la comunidad y contribuir a una conversación animada. Los presentadores, hablan durante 20 minutos en su idioma más cómodo, cuentan su historia, discuten las barreras, las oportunidades, etc. Después de la presentación, se abre el espacio a las preguntas y sugerencias de la audiencia.Use este cuestionario de presentador para ayudarlo a prepararse para su presentación.

    Personal Info

    Name and last name
    City, State

    Business Information

    Please fill the answer even if the business has not been established
    Ex. construction, retail, manufacturing, etc
    If you are a start up please indicate date you are planning to launch.
    Early Stage: I'm still working on the conceptBack side of Mountain: Our growth has inverted, we're looking to innovate or exit from our business.Established: We are still growing but growth has slowedCash Cow: We have a large share of our market with great cash flows


    These questions are intended to assist you with the content of your presentation. Answer all questions that you believe apply in your unique situation. You do not have to answer all.